I am delighted to be involved with the first ever Scarborough Arts Festival. I am running 2 sets of workshops and an exhibition called Dislocation.

Mixed Media Print Workshops
Based in my studio in Irton, I am running 3 workshops combining print and mixed media.
25th June: Mono-printing using cut out masks, foliage and stencils with collage and dry media
9th July: Dry point plus a simple collagraph with collage and mixed dry media
16th July: Using recycled packaging to make a printing plate, we will also use recycled material to print with adding mono-printed aspects to the process.
They will run from 10 - 1pm, all materials and T&C will be provided

Homespun Printmaking
Have you ever thought 'I wont bother with learning printing because I'll never have a press' ? Well these workshops are designed especially with that in mind. A simple pasta maker will be our press, and although we will use printing inks, it can be done with cheap oil paint. Each is a stand alone session, but is flexible enough for you to continue your explorations across multiple sessions.
These sessions will take place in the Shakespeare Gallery
11/12/13th July, 10.30 - 1.30pm
14th July, 1 - 4pm
20% discount for 3 booked classes.
Using collage, print, recycled materials, mark making and tracing we will make a variety of pieces of work/ experiments. You will also have the opportunity to work in or create a concertina folding booklet with your work.

Loss is something that we all have to deal with at some point in our lives. After the untimely death of her mother, Wendy has turned to her beloved art to try and make sense of the way she feels. Using print making and a series of reference points, Wendy is creating a series of work through which she hopes to capture and identify the way she has been left feeling, which has no words, as yet.
A former newsagent with glass walls on two sides - the larger side opening up to the street through bi-fold doors. The space is intended for use as a pop-up exhibition and gallery space as well as a pop-up media studio for media companies covering event in Scarborough.